The quality of our life is heavily influenced by our mental and physical health, which is why we need to take care of our body, mind and soul. This can be achieved by having a proper support system from the people around you – your community.

In a nutshell, having a community is not just about gaining support from a group of people, it is also about building strong connections, being accepted despite your issues and flaws, and gaining encouragement to inspire you to face challenges.

Simply put, because of community, you can depend on people to get you out of tough spots, and constantly have the love and support needed to uplift your spirit.

Why Is The Concept Of Community Important For Your Mental Health?

It is in our very nature to seek love, compassion and a sense of belonging – we are not meant to live in isolation. And those who are already in dire need of help and support due to their mental health issues require a sense of community to alleviate the feeling of loneliness and alienation.

Here are three benefits of belonging to a community for people with mental health problems:

A Sense of Belonging

Being isolated is a daunting experience; this is why in a community, people come together despite their differences.

This means that you do not have to alter your ways or change your beliefs to be on par with other people within your social circle – rather, you can be your true self. Other members accept and appreciate you for your uniqueness and the different views, opinions, etc. you bring to the table.

A Proper Support System

Having someone close during your time of need can lend you a sense of safety and security. You know that you can reach out to them for help or just talk things over to gain clarity and self-awareness without being judged.

Finding Your Purpose

Like an organization where employees are assigned roles and tasks as per their expertise and experience, people within a community also have certain roles according to their skills.

For instance, one member may be a good listener who people can call to vent about their problems while another can be counted on to provide food.

Simply put, every member knows their place – what their skills are, what they are good at and how they can help others within the community.

Find a Community

First and foremost, you need to understand what is the most important to you; then you should seek like-minded individuals.

Concentrate on the following three attributes:

Similar Interests

You may be interested in arts and crafts or reading, so you can either join an arts and crafts class or a book club – there are endless possibilities.

The good thing is that with common interests, it becomes easier for you to connect with others and seek their help where required.

Similar Values

It is important to give back to the community and help those in need.  Doing volunteer work not only helps others, but helps us to humble ourselves and connect with others.

You should start by joining a local charity that interests you or that you are passionate about to find likeminded people whose values are in line with yours; remember, they can be a vital source of help, support and inspiration.

Similar Beliefs

You can also find support through connecting to others who share your belief system – spiritual, religious, political, etc. Especially when you are struggling with mental health issues, having people around who have the same faith or belief system as you can certainly help you cope.

All in all, finding people you can easily connect with is critical for managing your mental health issues. If you have not found a community that you feel you belong to, it’s important to keep looking.  Connecting within a community can be an important piece of the puzzle that when completed, represents a positive picture of your mental health .

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